Berthoud Tournament
12/9/23 @ BHS

Thanks to everyone who participated and/or volunteered for our dual tournaments.
Without your help tournaments like these are not possible.  BRC/BHS hosted a
total of 49 teams and about 200 students in addition to the fans and parents.  We had
support from the BHS Boosters, Pizza Hut, Brick Oven Pizza and Kofe/Joe-to-Go.
Our special guest was Robosaurus from

Tournament Location

Berthoud High School
850 Spartan Avenue
Berthoud CO 80513

Online Waivers

Tournament:  Saturday 12/9/23 - BRC will host a combo VRC and VIQC tournament (with in-person judging)

Tournament Volunteer Information

BRC will need volunteers to help set up on Friday evening (6:00pm @ BHS) and volunteers for the day of the event.   Remember there are two independent tournaments in action at BHS this day so we need double the number of volunteers.   If you need volunteer hours please be sure to let us know and we can get a letter of appreciation for your volunteer hours emailed to you after the tournament (and be sure to sign in at the volunteer table).

Positions we need are:

Tournament  Attendance Information Packet

Images from the December 2023 VRC and VIQC Tournaments at BHS

Dec2022 VRC Pits/Practice Field Area