Berthoud Tournament
12/10/22 @ BHS
Thanks to all the tournament volunteers, teams, coaches and parents for coming by BHS. We hope you had a great time and that your team did well.
Tournament Location
Berthoud High School
850 Spartan Avenue
Berthoud CO 80513
Online Waivers
Tournament Saturday 12/10/22 - BRC hosted a combo VRC and VIQC tournament (with judging)
RobotEvents Link: Berthoud SlapShot VIQC Event 12/10/22 (RE-VIQC-22-0313)
RobotEvents Link: Berthoud Spin-Up VRC Event 12/10/22 (RE-VRC-22-0314)
Judges will stop by your team table in the pit area for interviews.
Colorado State Qualifying Awards: Excellence, Tournament Champions (for in-state teams)
Other Awards: Design, Robot Skills, Judges and Robot Skills 2nd Place
Tournament Volunteer Information
VIQC Volunteer Signup Genius Link: VIQC Slapshot Volunteer Signup
VRC Volunteer Signup Genius Link: VRC Spin-up Volunteer Signup
BRC will need volunteers to help set up on Friday evening (6:30pm @ BHS) and volunteers for the day of the event. Remember there are two independent tournaments in action at BHS this day so we need double the number of volunteers. If you need volunteer hours please be sure to let us know and we can get a letter of appreciation for your volunteer hours emailed to you after the tournament (and be sure to sign in at the volunteer table).
Positions we need are:
Judges (all day)
Referees (all day, training in the morning)
Queue managers
Tournament Manager operators
Field Reset (a good job for younger siblings)
Concessions (distributing pizza and soda at lunchtime, general concessions the rest of the day including early in the morning dishing out Breakfast Burritos)
Inspection (8:00am through 9:30am)
Volunteer Checkin
Team Checkin
Tournament Emcee/Announcer (whole day)
East Door Monitors (1-2 hour shifts from 9:00 .. 3:00)
Tournament Attendance Information Packet
Images from the December 2022 VRC and VIQC Tournaments at BHS
Useful Links for Event Partners and Your Tournaments
VRC Spin-Up Printed Soring Sheets - good for a hard copy record of all matches
VIQC Slapshot Printed Scoring Sheets - good for a hard copy record of all matches